Fees Once Received is non-Refundable. You Can Change tutor any time
How We Work?
Dear Student thanks for contacting, we charge 9US$ per hour, we have more than 1800 teachers throughout world, those can be verified through this link http://www.myonlinetutoring.com/apps/members/ - We will start arranging your demos after getting 120$ for 12 classes. We are sure that you will finalize someone from these tutors.
How We Work?
Dear Student thanks for contacting, we charge 9US$ per hour, we have more than 1800 teachers throughout world, those can be verified through this link http://www.myonlinetutoring.com/apps/members/ - We will start arranging your demos after getting 120$ for 12 classes. We are sure that you will finalize someone from these tutors.